This bike rack bag is made of waterproof polyester material. Waterproof rain cover included can fully protect the whole bike bag from rainwater, keep your belongs not be wet. Insulated inner lining can keep your drink and food cold or warm for hours. And it also can be used to store some fresh fruits, snacks or beverages.
Each side has a foldable pocket of 2.5L capacity to keep your other stuff, such as your clothes, towels and so on. This 2 pockets are wet and dry pockets with waterproof lining, easy for you to access and clean. The elastic cord design at the top provides extra storage space for tools ,towels and other items you need to carry on your ride. A water bottle pouch is designed with elastic band to keep different water bottles or umbrellas (up to largest diameter 2.7 inch).
4 hook-and-loop fastener straps is stable enough to hold this bike bag on the backseat. Make sure it will not move around even though you're riding on a rugged road. Some reflective strips designed on the bag can increase your night visibility, keep your night ride more safety.
The adjustable shoulder strap of the satchel ranges from 33.5 inches to a maximum of 52.4 inches, allowing for a customized fit that can be looser or tighter to match your body. Additionally, the handle located at the top enhances comfort while transporting the bag. You have the flexibility to choose your carrying method based on your requirements. This bag is ideal for activities such as cycling, traveling, commuting, camping, and other outdoor adventures.
Dimension of this bike bag: 16.93 x 9.06 x 6.3 inch ( L x W x H). 1 main compartment (13.39 x 5.51 x 5.51 inch) has 8L capacity to keep your food, drink or some fresh fruits. The top zippered compartment is designed with elastic bands to store your utensils and a small mesh pocket inside to store small accessories. And one top pocket can store your carry-on items while you're riding, such as your phone, wallet, earphone and so on.