Wide application: This mesh storage bag has multiple uses, you can use it to store items that need to be organized or used when traveling, store fitness equipment, clothes, camping gear, hiking gear, etc. It can also be used as a practical gift for outdoor lovers.
Premium fabric: This golf bag is constructed from top-grade nylon mesh, offering a lightweight and easily portable design while being robust and long-lasting. Additionally, it features a sliding drawstring closure to securely hold the items inside and prevent spillage.
Breathable mesh design: This fitness equipment storage bag is breathable and moisture-proof. For example, you can put sports wristbands and sports towels into the storage bag, which can quickly dry wet or sweaty sports equipment. At the same time, it can also be carried for diving and can easily store various underwater harvests in the sea.
What you will receive: You will receive two black mesh storage bags, measuring 29.5×23 cm/11.6×9.05 inches, which are the right size and quantity to meet the storage of small items in your daily life.
Adjustable drawstring: This mesh drawstring bag with closure keeps items from spilling. Each versatile drawstring sports equipment storage bag features a sliding drawstring closure and locking closure to conveniently store all your belongings until you need